2. The most important part of section three of Beowulf is when Beowulf finally dies. He leaves behind nothing for his country to hold on to, and so determines the fate of an entire nation. He is also the centerpiece of the story, and so it's pretty much over when he's dead.
3. For me, the most interesting part of Beowulf is, well, the whole thing. The characters and their backstories are fun to learn about, and once you know them, it's like you've learned some new amazing tale that no one else knows about. The culture and society that is set up in Beowulf is also interesting, to see how their societal norms affected their way of life. How Beowulf was written, the structure, is entertaining because there are obvious breaks between the monks sermons and the actual text. I also like how Beowulf was written in a poetic style, but not so poetic that it's annoying. I really like all of the character's names too. Oh, and of course the monsters are cool.
4. The dragon represents Beowulf's pride, his ultimate downfall. Beowulf was, in essence, unable to defeat his own nature and become victorious in his inner conflict.
Alexis - way to make this up (even though I didn't assign it to you)!