Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hrolf Kraki Characters

Adils - King of Sweden, marries Yrsa, kills Helgi.
Agnar - son of Hroar, mighty warrior, tries to get the magic ring.
Bera - a freeman's daughter, in love with Bjorn, eats the bear meet and gets the ring, has three strong sons.
Beygad - son of Svip, brother of Svipdag.
Bjalki - one of Hrolf's men.
Bjorn - son of Hring, gets turned into a were-bear by Hvit, in love with Bera, impregnates Bera, gets killed by the king and his men.
Bodvar Bjarki - the only normal son of Bera and Bjorn.
Drifa - daughter of Hrolf.
Elk-Frodi - lower half of his body is part elk, first son of Bera and Bjorn, becomes an outlaw after taking his less-than-pleasing inheritance.
Finn - King of Finnmark, father of Hvit.
Frodi - king at the beginning of the book, takes Denmark from Halfdan (his brother), tries to kill Hroar and Helgi, dies in an arson.
Halfdan - King of Denmark in the beginning, killed by Frodi, father of Helgi and Hroar.
Ham - undercover identity of Hroar.
Helgi - son of Halfdan, hides with Vifil, then hides with Jarl Saevil and Signy, kills Frodi, rules Denmark, tries to marry Olof, tricks and rapes Olof, marries Yrsa (his daughter), gives Hroar the magic ring, avenges Hroar by killing Hrok, father of Hrolf, is left by Yrsa, becomes depressed, father of Skuld by an elf, killed by Adils.
Heid - seeress for Frodi.
Hjorvard - marries Skuld, tricked by Hrolf.
Ho - one of Vifil's dogs, used to conceal the identity of Helgi.
Hopp - the other one of Vifil's dogs, used to conceal Hroar.
Hrani - undercover identity of Helgi.
Hring - King of Norway, father of Bjorn, marries Hvit.
Hroar - son of Halfdan, hides with Vifil, then hides with Jarl Saevil and Signy, kills Frodi, marries Ogn, gets ring from Helgi, cuts off Hrok's feet after he throws the ring, killed by Hrok.
Hrok - son of Saevil and Signy, wants the ring from Helgi, tries to get the ring from Hroar, throws the ring into the ocean, gets feet cut off by Hroar, kills Hroar, tries to marry Ogn, mutilated by Helgi.
Hrolf - son of Helgi and Yrsa, takes in Svipdag and his brothers, tricks Hjorvard.
Hvit - daughter of Finn, part magic, marries Hring, tries to seduce Bjorn, turns Bjorn into a were-bear, gets Bera to eat the bear meat.
Hvitserk - one of Svipdag's brothers.
Ingebjorg - mother of Hvit.
Nordri - King of England, father of Ogn.
Ogn - daughter of Nordri, marries Hroar, mother of Agnar, wouldn't marry Hrok because she was pregnant, got Helgi to defeat Hrok.
Olof - Queen fo Saxland, like Modthryth, tricks Helgi, then tricked by Helgi, mother of Yrsa, tells the happy couple of Yrsa and Helgi that they are father and daughter.
Regin - foster-father of Hroar and Helgi, hides them, helps burn Frodi, dies.
Saevil - husband of Signy, a Jarl, allows "Ham" and "Hrani" to hide with him, helps kill Frodi, father of Hrok, dies.
Signy - daughter of Halfdan, wife of Jarl Saevil, recognizes Hroar and Helgi, mother of Hrok.
Sigrid - mother of Hroar and Helgi.
Skuld - Helgi's half-elf daughter, half-sister of Hrolf, marries Hjorvard, bad.
Skur - daughter of Hrolf.
Svip - Swedish farmer, father of Svipdag, Beygad, and Hvitserk, has a dream and sends the brothers to help Svipdag, tells his sons about Hrolf.
Svipdag - son of Svip, becomes great warrior, works for Adils and then Hrolf.
Thorir Hound's Foot - son of Bjorn and Bera, has dog feet.
Var & Var - Frodi's smiths.
Vifil - knows magic, lives on an island, hides Helgi and Hroar.
Yrsa - daughter of Olof and Helgi, marries Helgi, leaves Helgi, gives Hrolf Helgi's treasure.