Monday, January 10, 2011

Hamlet - 1.1

1) How is interest created in the opening scene?

Well, there's a ghost.

2) What information are we given to help us understand the situation?

Horatio gives us the backstory of Old King Hamlet: how Old King Hamlet had killed Old King Fortinbras in the same armor and had taken Norwegian lands. Denmark is at the brink of a war with Norway.

3) What happens at the end of the scene to create suspense and keep up the reader’s interest?

The ghost leaves just as he is about to speak, and the men decide to tell Young Hamlet about the nocturnal, supernatural happenings.

4) What is the mood of the scene?

Apprehensive; spooky; frightful; strange; foreboding.

5) Why are the sentries apprehensive (there are two reasons)?

It's pretty weird to see the ghost of your dead king clad in war-garb. They're not sure why the ghost is there, but they're pretty sure it's a warning, which means bad things are going to happen.

6) What reasons are suggested by Horatio for the appearance of the late King’s ghost?

The king may have returned to act as a warning about the fate of Denmark or for treasure. He warns the other guards about the events that occurred when Caesar was killed, and creates a comparison/foreshadow.

7) Who are the characters present in the scene?

Francisco, Barnardo, Horatio, Marcellus, and the ghost.

8) List one thing Horatio says about the former King?

He states that he was obviously good in war, from his stories about victories Norway and Poland, but that he was also proud.

9) Who is young Fortinbras?

Young Fortinbras is the Prince of Norway, the son of dead King Fortibras. His uncle has also taken the throne instead of himself, just like Hamlet. He is in the process of waging war on Denmark and wishes to reclaim his father's lands.

10) What does Horatio say happened in Rome after Julius Caesar was murdered?

After Caesar died, there was an eclipse and things were wrong in the stars. The dead left their graves to shriek and wail. (Braaaaaaaaaaaaaainsssss....)

11) How does Horatio differ from Marcellus and Barnardo in scene 1?

Horatio tends to think more logically about things. He is more worried about the meaning of the ghost than the fact that there is a ghost there. He is of higher rank than the guards and is more knowledgable.

12) What is Horatio’s purpose in scene 1 (why is he present)?

Horatio is there to explain the background story to us (the audience), and also to confirm to the frightened guards that there is a ghost there.

13) What past history (Denmark’s history) is revealed in scene 1?

The feud with Norway is talked about. Also, how Old Hamlet killed Old Fortinbras and also attacked other countries. They are very battle-oriented.

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