Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hamlet - Act 2 Vocab. Words

Paradox - n. - a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.
A "cat person" is a paradox.

Sovereign - adj. -
supreme; preeminent; indisputable.
Oh, sovereign turtle, how illustrious are your forthcomings.

Commission - v. -
to authorize; send on a mission.
I shall commission a fleet to retrieve the Labrador of San Juan!

Resolution - n. -
a resolve or determination.
"I need light in the dark as I search for the resolution."

Malefaction - n. -
an evil deed; crime; wrongdoing.
Eddie was killed and eaten for his great malefaction towards Frank.

Firmament - n. -
the vault of heaven; sky.
And thusly, the firmament opened, and through the chasm emerged creatures unknown to the realm of man.

Tedious - adj. -
long and tiresome.
Polonius is a tedious speaker, to put it nicely.

Pestilent - adj. -
destructive to life; deadly; poisonous; troublesome; injurious to peace; infectious, contagious.
The pestilent virus was transmitted through direct foot-to-foot contact.

Pious - adj. -
having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.
The pious man delivered biscuits to the homeless children every Thursday afternoon between the hours of three and five.

Promontory - n. -
a high point of land or rock projecting into the sea or other water beyond the line of coast; a headland.
The lemmings vaulted from the promontory, soaring through the air, the wind in their coarse fur, until they landed at the location of their ultimate doom.

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